
January 04, 2002

FRONTOFF has moved =) . This will be the new url for a while, I have no intention to move it because Final Reality is the best server in the world =) . Alternative Youth will also move to this server soon.
So it's exams season.... I *NEED* to start working studying soon, probably today....... I am already sick of staying at home all the time... I need to start getting out man. I also spending too much time on the internet man, gotta stop it... how about now? OK! Bye bye!

January 02, 2002

New year, new inspiration. Im remodeling Alternative Youth, I'm also changing servers very soon, and this site will moved too, the new url will be frontoff.alternativeyouth.com util I get money to register a .com domain.
Check out the data section to see the new wallpaper, it's just a photo manipulation.

Also check out Endorfina.net, experimental playground of Tiago Jacinto.

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